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Career Start 2024-07-18T14:01:33+00:00

Career Start

Watch video about Highline's Career Start Program

Watch video on why Carer Start is needed

Career Start is a partnership with several local school districts and Highline College. Simply put, it is Running Start for students pursuing professional technical degrees. Students can graduate from high school at or near the same time that they receive an Associate of Applied Science degree (AAS) from Highline College.

Option A:

With this option, students must complete their high school graduation requirements, testing requirements, high school and beyond plan, and any other requirements of the school district. The student’s high school would issue their high school diploma and they would be eligible to walk in their high school graduation.

Option B:

With this option, students must complete the requirements of their AAS degree. By completing an associate degree, students can earn a high school diploma issued by Highline College. Students would be eligible to walk in the Highline College commencement ceremony.


If you are a junior or senior at a local high school, you are eligible to participate in Career Start. Please meet with a Career Start Advisor to see if this program is the right fit for you. At this meeting we will determine if you skills, abilities and motivation will provide you with a reasonable opportunity to be successful in a college environment.


If you are interested in Career Start, please contact Amy Chhom at achhom@highline.edu or (206) 592-4077.